A signature moonlight harvest tea from the mystical hills of Darjeeling. Health Benefits: • Rich in Antioxidants • Improves Metabolism • Boosts Ene
Your energy boosting cup complete with the goodness of turmeric. Health Benefits: • Boosts Energy • Rich in Antioxidants • Rejuvenating Brewing ins
Two of our favourite flavours - chocolate and creamy caramel - meet in this delicious black tea blend. Let the sweet chocolate aroma awaken your sens
Managing diebetes is a cup of tea! This traditional Ayurvedic remedy helps to regulate blood sugar levels effectively, and supports healthy blood glu
The ultimate superfood to keep you energised all day! Health Benefits: • Rich in Antioxidants • Assists Weight Loss • Boosts Energy Brewing inst
Floral, creamy blends that were made to support every woman by restoring balance in the body, mind, and soul. You can choose any combination of 3 loo